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Phil and Lin Spiegelhalter - Fillin

Pictures from Ilfracombe Model Railway Show Easter 2022

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[2] Ashmore Vale 0 Gauge IMRS
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[1] Buckfast / Staverton 00 Gauge IMRS - Buckfast Station side

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[1] Buckfast / Staverton 00 Gauge IMRS
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[1] Buckfast / Staverton 00 Gauge IMRS
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[10] Sampsons Wharf 00 Barnstaple MRS
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[4] Ilfracombe Carriage Sidings - 30 Carriages could be stored here on a Summer Friday night
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[4] Ilfracombe Shed and Turntable Carriage Head shunt in foreground
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[8] Phil's Turn on the Shunting Puzzle [mostly operated by show visitors]
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[8] Shunting Puzzle Distractor Track Hill with Access Door 'blown off'
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[8] Shunting Puzzle - Station Area DCC Controlled by Roco Multimaus /Wireless
And then outside in the sunshine

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The Landmark Pavillion - Host to the Show and many other events
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Hockings Ice Creams were available and popular

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A short video clip may appear on You Tube soon: Search under 'Phil Spiegel' (Fillin) United Kingdom'
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Edited in HTML Edit Studio (c) Phil/Lin Spiegelhalter 2022-4